Monday, May 25, 2020
Supernatural, Supernatural And Supernatural - 1327 Words
The ââ¬Å"Supernaturalâ⬠is something that defies the laws of physics, and is said to exists above and beyond nature. In early British texts many writers used the supernatural and magical power to enhance their characters being. They made them above others and noble, in a way that no other character was. Reflecting on the different approaches people conduct when they read and analyze literature, there is a multitude of ways that the supernatural can be interpreted. A reader should consider what is supernatural about a certain situation in the text. Are there faeries, witches, wizards and ghosts? What about spells, dragons or angels and devils? By observation, the supernatural or magical senses usually involve a character with certain power,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Every person has there own religion, or none at all but in the same way they are all supernatural to humans. Unless you are a devout Christian, you will not believe in the people that are said to be real. Since there is no proof of a God, a devil, angels, or demons, it becomes supernatural to those who do not believe in them. These stories have significant Christian background as well as all of British literature, which creates the sense of supernatural or magical forces to a reader who is not familiar with them. A person believes in something supernatural, a person believes in Christianity; therefore putting each thought on the same level. Tying Christianity to being a supernatural belief, thought or force, will give insight to how much they both played a role in literature. The supernatural permeates ââ¬Å"Doctor Faustus.â⬠It appears everywhere in the story, in a big and small sense. Angels and devils fly all around, magic spells are being cast, dragons pulling chariots and two ostlers, Robin and Rafe, learn enough magic to beckon demons. These occurrences arenââ¬â¢t truly real, they are just a thought, and they are things that donââ¬â¢t actually happen in real life, making them supernatural. In this piece, the supernatural does not have any significant impact but it is clearly present. Faustus conjures up grapes, plays tricks on people and explores the
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Rising from Recession Market Strategies of Cisco Systems - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2719 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Cisco Systems, Inc. is an American-based multinational company that designs and sells consumer electronics, networking and communications technology and services. Headquartered in California, Cisco has more than 65,000 employees and annual revenue of US$40 billion as of 2010. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Rising from Recession Market Strategies of Cisco Systems" essay for you Create order Cisco is one of the worlds biggest technological companies (Bloomberg 2010). This assignment examines the strategies adopted by Cisco to tackle recession in the US markets during the years 2008-2009. During the recession of 2001, Cisco was caught unaware of what John Chambers called the 100 year flood leading to the write down of inventory worth US$2.2 billion. The company reported a loss of US$2.69 billion. The dot-com bubble was a stock market bubble which burst in 2001. It was fuelled by the rise of Internet sites and the tech industry in general. Many companies folded and those that survived learnt valuable lessons. Investors lost astronomical sums of money on the dot-com bubble. Several factors combined to cause the dot-com bubble. Low interest rates, the jump in internet-users were seen by most companies, potential customers-this resulted in numerous start-ups. These companies came to be referred to as dot-coms, after the .com in many web addresses. (WiseGeeks 2010) Many of these companies engaged in unusual and daring business practices with no sustainable business model, all they were hoping to achieve was a bigger slice of a pie; equating bigger pie to bigger consumer base therefore believing profits will follow. Unfortunately for many companies and investors, the growth of the tech sector proved to be illusory. A decline in business spending (due to a hike in interest rates) combined with market correction to deal a serious financial blow to many dot-coms, and tech companies began to fold, one by one. (Wise geeks 2010) Cisco, as mentioned, wasnt spared either. Let us now examine what Cisco could have done, couldnt have seen and/or shouldnt have done, not only did Cisco serve as a plumber to the tech-world, it was a beacon of inspiration for organization leadership and management. CISCOS Environment Ciscos customer base was not concentrated in any one industry; Ciscos customers fell into one of four categories: Enterprise: Large organizations with 500 and more staff requiring complex networking needs across multiple computer systems. Clientele include corporations, government agencies, utilities, and educational institutions. Service Providers: Organizations providing data, voice, and video communication services to businesses and consumers. Small/Medium-Sized Businesses: Businesses with fewer than 500 employees and a need for internal networks for itself and for its business partners connected to the Internet. These customers were generally limited in their resources, as such Cisco designed and built easy to use and install systems at affordable prices. Consumers: Individuals with a need for networking devices and services to connect themselves to the Internet from within their homes. During the time of the dot-com, Cisco Systems was a decentralized company organized around 3 lines of business. Each focusing on a customer segment as shown above, for the easy communication we will group small/medium-sized businesses and consumers under one LOB. Each LOB produced customized products for that segments needs this generated enormous growth during the dot-com years. As we know that came to an abrupt end in 2001, Cisco was forced to lay off 18% of its work force and incurred losses amounting to $2.69 billlion. Cisco did survive unlike many other companies, what it then did was make a series of organizational changes that continue to this day. It centralized functions from each of its LOBs so that heads of each division reported to the CEO rather than the presidents of the three LOBs. Customer focus was maintained by, creating three cross-functional business councils, each responsible for one of the customer segments. A functional head chaired each council, leading both a function and business council. (Kilman 1985) This s tructure is a type of matrix organization called the two-hat model. Cisco used this functional structure to create an appropriate cost basis for the downturn, as functional organizations drop costs in two ways. First, by consolidating engineers into specialist groups, the company minimizes the number of engineers needed, the engineers are placed in a pool where they can be shared across lines. For example, under the old LOB organization, each LOB might have required two-thirds of a sound engineer. Resulting in Cisco hiring three engineers, one for each LOB. Under a centralized concept, the sound engineering group hires just two sound engineers and works them across the product lines, allowing fewer people to do a given volume of work. Secondly, functional organizations reduce costs by decreasing duplication and standardizing product and process designs. When revenue is growing and margins are high, redundancy is a small price to pay but when revenue drops and margins shrink, d uplication is a good process to do away with. In the early 2000s, Cisco wasnt able to keep up with the demand for its products and some of its customers were looking elsewhere and those that did wait had to wait up to 15weeks, as Cisco suppliers could not keep up with the high demand, Cisco pushed manufactures and suppliers to stock up on inventory, committing itself to buying stock before having even sold them-This proved fatal when the recession came, leaving Cisco with huge inventories. At Cisco, duplication was reduced by centralizing the engineers and combining them into common groups. This standardization achieves economies in having one design instead of three. Manufacturing gets volume in producing one high-volume product rather than three low-volume products; procurement gets volume discounts on fewer but common components. (Porters Value Chain Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance 1985) Logistics reduces total inventories with one lar ge stock, rather than three smaller stocks. Similar savings can also be achieved in other functions as the number of transactions and processes are reduced. (Porters Value Chain) In this way, Cisco responded to the downturn by reorganizing, seeing as functional organizations increase efficiency, lower costs all while minimizing the number of people needed without compromising on quality. They worked smarter in achieving better results. The Cisco cost structure clearly benefited from the reorganization. But Cisco also made sure not to standardize to such an extent that the end-user experience suffered. Focus on the Customer Many companies achieve balance over time between standardizing, cost reduction, customizing and customer satisfaction. Restructuring can waste energy, result in winners and losers, and cause top talent to leave. Fortunately, Cisco did not walk this path and instead simultaneously organized around customer segments and functions, counterbalancing the biases of a functional structure, Cisco added cross-function business councils for each customer segment. These councils supported their respective customer segments. The same people who had positions of power in the functional structure staffed the councils, so when the engineers proposed standardizing a product, the salespeople who were representing customer segments had a debate to contest the engineers. (KastRosenzweig 1972), Cisco adopted an open system where feedback was viewed positively. However, not all product differences are duplications, as some are required by customers. For example, large organizations would ha ve required more faster servers and products as opposed to smaller business whom neither had the need or want, so there were times when sales needs conflicted with product standards. Cisco understood that it was important for them to get close to their customers, as it would help them know if recession had impacted their revenues and profits. Cisco worked closely with its customers to expand its technology and business relationship. Cisco and its partners formed strategic alliances a co-operative partnership for mutual advantage. (MillerDess 1996; YoshinoRangan 1995) Open Communication Cisco made much of its corporate information available to its employees and shared relevant information with suppliers and customers. They shared much more information than anyone thought was prudent. Cisco gave the employees themselves all the information. In a lot of companies, information is power. At Cisco, information is empowerment. Technology clearly plays a big role in doing this. The IT infrastructure was both sophisticated and integrated across the company, Cisco opened up the the infrastructure to both its clients and suppliers. There were business rules codified in the IT infrastructure that described who got access to what information. For instance, all Cisco employees had access to key information such as customer satisfaction, overall revenue, and total costs, while more differentiated information was restricted. Customers only had access to product information such as how to configure a router, and suppliers were given access only to the s ales data necessary for planning their inventory. (Quantitative Management Viewpoint, Management Information Systems Pg .56) For the most part, however, Cisco gave out more rather than less information. Making information available created opportunities for communication. For example, the employee directory made all employee information available from the CEO to the newly employed, all contacts and organizational information was available. This allowed Cisco employees to contact anyone in the company without having to go through a chain of command. Empowerment Ciscos employees had great latitude in doing their jobs. The goal of the IT is to empower the employee to give them freedom of space, scope and access to all kinds of information. (Herzberg 1966) Cisco employees were expected to take initiative. For instance, customer satisfaction was taken quite seriously. Employees are empowered to do right by Cisco and the customer. They are given full autonomy to make decisions that are customer centric and are measured on the impact we have had on them. (Richard HackmanGreg Oldham 1980) Quality Team HUMAN RESORCE Cisco planned on hiring the top 10% of the employees that they interviewed and release the bottom 5% annually. Cisco employees were brilliantly driven people. Cisco not only put effort into hiring good people, but also spent time and resources training them. Cisco had complete and thorough orientation-programmes, specialized training for departments like sales, and ongoing training for all employees. A Cisco employee, on average, attended six training classes a year, a third of which were web-based. The meticulous selection process and the investment in training that were offered were practices that differed from those in other companies. (Scientific Management Taylor 1985) Integrity When asked about the principles that underpinned many of Ciscos policies, employees often mentioned trust. Empowerment, communication, innovation and risk taking are clearly all big parts of our culture. StevensonGumpert (1985) entrepreneurial characteristics. How much trust to give to employees was a topic of discussion early in Ciscos history. They decided from the get go that if we trusted our employees, we were not going to create policies for the bottom .2% of the employees instead were going to create guidelines for managers to do the right thing, the reinforcement theory has an important implication for management in achieving organizational objectives. (VillerHartman 1991) Cisco was prepared to provide the context in which one makes the right decision by influencing certain parameters. Once hired as an employee, Cisco trusts that the individual has not joined this company in order to steal and that the employee as an individual has the companys best interest and th at the individual will attempt to make the best decision possible given all the supporting information. (Mcgregor 1964, Theory Y) The decision to trust employees laid the basis for relationships, trust worked between managers and their employees. Employees were thought to think that everyone was supporting each other working towards that one same goal. Managers had to make sure that they were providing employees with the right information, the right support bearing in mind not to stifle room for execution and free play. Employees had to believe that their managers were just and fair, that proper transparent systems of job allocation and promotions were in place. POLITICAL Cisco was also actively pursuing federal government related business in the area of cyber security and cooperation between public and private sectors. The company appointed former white house cyber security advisor Melissa Hatway as a consultant to liaison with the government authorities. She helped the company identify the product line that could be useful to the government. (Favorability influence Kotter1979; Harcourt2003 Political activity management pg.91) FINAL ACT Cisco came out of the 2001 recession stronger, leaner and more agile. All its policies are working well and are considered to be works in progress, Cisco continually seeks to improve and adapt. By the time Cisco faced the recession of 2008, it had built up its strategic alliances, based on the collaboration model. Councils and boards were in place -councils looked at US$10 billion opportunities and boards took care of US$1billion opportunities, during which Cisco was able to invest on other companies, for example WebEx Communications Inc to support its Telepresence project. (Bloomberg 2008) As an example during the recession Cisco focused on existing clients and noticed their need for infrastructure upgrades on many of the existing platforms-as the world processes so much more data, existing platforms suffered from wear and tear and overall inability in supporting its businesses. Cisco predicts that by year 2013 infrastructure upgrading was likely to reach US$50 billion. (CISCO 2001) It is in my expert opinion that Ciscos model is an inspiration to other organizations, Cisco bounced back from recession stronger, leaner and meaner (series of acquisitions). Naturally every model adopted by any one organization is a continual work in progress, however when aided by such open systems, it has the ability to access itself and quickly make adjustments-whenever they may arise or suddenly come. Cisco focused itself around its customers (externally), they listened to their needs and wants, they engaged them thoroughly, they designed forums within the functional groups to hash out differences in product design-the customers had a voice within the scheme of things, their feedback was seriously considered. Internal to Cisco they created strategies facilitating open communication, staff empowerment and their human resource is managed effectively, efficiently and fairly as possible. Cisco aspires to hire the right staff for the company-forward thinking and highly motivated individuals. Cisco then believes in providing them with the right tools to upgrade and keep on top of their field, Cisco does not adopt a punitive form of management, they believe that they have hired the right person for the job Cisco empowers, places faith and allows the person to have a real go at the task at hand What Cisco aims to achieve is what I like to believe a hybrid system. The term hybrid was originally coined by Peter Keen in the mid 1980s, but received its most precise and most quoted definition by Michael Earl:A person with strong technical skills and adequate bus iness knowledge or vice versa . hybrids are people with technical skills able to work in user areas doing a line job, but adept at developing and implementing IT application ideas (Peter Keen 1980) Cisco is a company for the future-it seems well aware of this and it knows how to get there as seen above. The importance placed on training, open communication internally and on their environments (mega and task), human resource- and the need for continuous awareness, systems are in place to keep them in check. How the future may unfold, will there be a double dip? Will there be a global meltdown? No one can fully predict apart from watching and listening closely for the signs (stock market, key interest rates, etc). Cisco is doing what it can and must do, it has thoroughly engaged its clients and customers, it created a highly synergized working environment where their staff are empowered and entrusted in making the best decision for the future of the company. They are investing i n technologies and technological companies that are future oriented they are placing themselves in the future today. They are building a Cisco future for the world. A Cisco you and I inevitably will need and want. References and Suggested Readings Cisco: Strategy is Recession Proof, Reuters, January 08, 2008. Dr. Jay R. Galbraith:How to manage in a Down Turn,, August 2009 DotCom Bubble, www.wisegeeks, August 2010 Ellen McGirt, How Ciscos CEO John Chambers is turning the Tech Giant Socialist,,November 25,2008 Ciscos CEO On How To Weather The Downturn,,December 01,2008 At Cisco, Downturn Screams Long-Term Opportunity,,March12,2009 Stephen Lawson, Ciscos Chambers Sees Hope After Recession,,May18,2009 Andy Greenberg,Cisco Preps for Recover,,November02,2009. Reshaping Cisco, The World According To Chambers,www,,August27,2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin - 778 Words
Kate Chopinââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠tries to shed light on the conflict between women and a society that assign gender roles using a patriarchal approach. Specifically Margaret Bauer highlights, that most of Chopinââ¬â¢s works revolves around exploring the ââ¬Å"dynamic interrelation between women and men, women and patriarchy, even women and womenâ⬠(146). Similarly, in ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠Chopin depicts a society that oppresses women mostly through the institution of marriage, as women are expected to remain submissive regardless of whether they derive any happiness. The question of divorce is not welcome, and it is tragic that freedom of women can only be realized through death. According to Bauer, the society depicted in Chopinââ¬â¢s storyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Unfortunately, Bauer highlights that a woman lack of identity and voice was uniform across all marriage institutions even within the confines of love as depicted by M rs. Mallard statement ââ¬Å"And yet she had loved himââ¬âsometimesâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Chopin 261; Bauer 150). According to Bauer, it seems like marriage is an institution that saves women from their own inadequacy because they are not in a position to reason on their own. This perception obviously brainwashes women and they stop thinking of a life beyond their husbands (Bauer 151). From the story, although Mrs. Mallard is excited about the newly found freedom, she is so brainwashed and she starts lamenting that There would be no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself. There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature. A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of illumination. (Chopin 260) The above quote indicates that society expects women to forgo their interests and strive to please the men in their lives. As a result, the kind of suppression that a woman is expected to undertake brainwashes their mind and takes away theirShow MoreRelatedThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin1241 Words à |à 5 Pagesââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠by Kate Chopin is a wonderful short story bursting with many peculiar twists and turns. Written in 1894, the author tells a tale of a woman who learns of her husbandââ¬â¢s death, but comes to find pleasure in it. Many of the elements Kate Chopin writes about in this story symbolize something more than just the surface meaning. Through this short story, told in less than one thousand one hundred words, Kate Chopin illustrates a deeper meaning of Mrs. Mallardââ¬â¢s marriage with herRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin855 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Story of an Hour In the ââ¬Å"Story of an Hourâ⬠by Kate Chopin, is about pleasure of freedom and the oppression of marriage. Just like in Kate Chopinââ¬â¢s story, inside most marriages, even the ones that seem to be the happiest, one can be oppressed. Even though, one might seem to be happy deep inside they miss the pleasure of freedom and living life to the fullest. Just like, in this story Mrs. Mallard feels trapped and when she hears about her husbandââ¬â¢s death she first feels distraught, but ultimatelyRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin1457 Words à |à 6 PagesEmotions and Death Everyone who reads a story will interpret things slightly different than the person who reads it before or after him or her. This idea plays out with most every story, book, song, and movie. These interpretations create conflict and allow people to discuss different ideas and opinions. Without this conflict of thought there is no one devoting time to debate the true meaning of a text. Kate Chopinââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠tells about a woman who is informed of her husbands deathRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin987 Words à |à 4 PagesIn Kate Chopinââ¬â¢s short story, ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠readerââ¬â¢s see a potentially long story put into a few pages filled with rising action, climax and even death. In the beginning of the story, character Louise Mallard, who has a heart condition, is told of the death of her husband by her sister and one of her husbandââ¬â¢s friends. Afterwards Mrs. Mallard is filled with emptiness and then joy of freedom. This joy of freedom is actually what consequently leads to her death in the end when she discoversRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin1061 Words à |à 5 PagesThroughout the short story, ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠, readers are introduced to characters whose lives change drastically in the course of this writing. Through Kate Chopinââ¬â¢s story we can identify many different themes and examples of symbolism in her writing. Chopinââ¬â¢s choice of themes in this writing are no surprise due to the time frame of which this story was written. Chopin often wrote stories with of womenââ¬â¢s rights, and is noted as one of Americaââ¬â¢s first open feminists. As this story of an ill, helplessRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin972 Words à |à 4 Pagesââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠by Kate Chopin expresses Ms. Mallardââ¬â¢s feelings towards her husbandââ¬â¢s death in an appalling train accident. Due to her bad heart, her sister Josep hine had to be the bearer of bad news and approach his death gently to her. According to the quote, ââ¬Å" But now there was a dull stare in her eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky. It was not a glance of reflection, but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thoughtâ⬠, it lets us know thatRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin998 Words à |à 4 Pagesââ¬Å"The story of an hourâ⬠by Kate Chopin was a story that was ironical yet profoundly deep. As a student I have been asked to read ââ¬Å"a story of an hourâ⬠many times, and every time Iââ¬â¢m surprised by how I enjoy it. People can read thousands of stories in their life times and only a handful will every stand out to them, stories that can draw out an emotion or spark a thought are the ones that will standout more. For me and ââ¬Å"a story of an hourâ⬠the thought of freedom is what draws me the most as a teenageRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kat e Chopin1542 Words à |à 7 PagesIn the short story, ââ¬Å"Story of an Hourâ⬠, Kate Chopin writes about a woman with heart trouble, Mrs. Mallard, who, in finding out about the death of her husband, Mr. Mallard, experiences some initial feelings of sadness which quickly transition into the exhilarating discovery of the idea of a newfound freedom lying in front of her. When it is later revealed that her husband is not actually dead, she realizes she will not get to taste that freedom. The devastation kills her. What Mrs. Mallard goes throughRead MoreThe Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin596 Words à |à 2 PagesIn ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hour,â⬠Kate Chopin focuses on the idea of freedom throughout the story. Mrs. Mallard is a lonely wife who suffers from heart trouble. She is told by her sister Josephine and her husbandââ¬â¢s friend Richards that her husband has passed away in a train accident. She locks herself in a room expecting to be devastated, but instead feels freedom. Later, she exits her room and her husband walks through the door, causing her to die of a heart attack. Chopin uses this story to demonstrateRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin886 Words à |à 4 Pages In Kate Chopin ââ¬Å"The Story of an Hourâ⬠, the reader is presented with the theme of prohibited independence. In Kate Chopin ââ¬Å"The Stormâ⬠, the scenery in this story builds the perfect atmosphere for an adulterous affair. The importance of these stories is to understand the era they occurred. Kate Chopin wrote stories with exceptional openness about sexual desires. In ââ¬Å"The Stormâ⬠, a short story written by Kate Chopin in a time when women were expected to act a certain way and sexual cravings was considered
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
African Face Painting Essay Sample free essay sample
His face is covered in rich. dark aglow tones. of natural minerals dug from the Earth. The designs are luxuriant and painted with utmost item. demoing his contact characteristics. Sunglassess of xanthous environment his zygomatic bones go forthing his eyes bare. full of power and maleness. The festival has begun and he must turn out to her that he entirely is the most beautiful and capture her with his vigorous moves. Like many other folks of Africa the Wodaabe folk uses face painting to pull beauty. African face picture has been a thing of wonder to many in the western civilisation. Many folks in Africa practiced face picture for grounds of festivals. rites and position symbols and for other events. Face picture is frequently seen in tribal festivals. The Wodaabe folk of Niger use face pigment in their celebrated festival of beauty known as the Gererwol Festival ( African 1 ) . In this festival the work forces apply magnetic colourss of gold and rich colourss of ruddy on their face and dance to win the Black Marias of the environing adult females. Like James wood said ââ¬Å"the adult females do the judgment and honor the victors with a dark of loveâ⬠( wood 1 ) . This festival is a similar beauty pageant in the West but the work forces are the contestants and they paint their face alternatively of seting on mascara. The Gerewol festival is where work forces and adult females go to happen their partner. In this festival a adult male can come with his married woman and leave with a different 1 merely as a adult female can come with her hubby and take a new one ( wood 1 ) . Wodaabe work forces go to the festival looking for a new married woman and knowing that theirs married womans might non be theirs any longer so they dance to score the adult females around them. In the Wodaabe civilization. beautiful eyes and white dentitions are found attractive by adult females so the work forces paint their lips black to do their dentitions brighter. They besides paint their zygomatic bones and olfactory organs with colourss like yel low and ruddy to pull attending to their eyes and their facial bone construction. This festival is all about showing beauty through dances and about work forces demoing off their expressions and the work forces of the folk usage pigment to demo beauty utilizing diverse colourss. In some ancient Tribal faiths face painting along with masks is used during rites. In the article titled ââ¬Å"cultural face paintingâ⬠. it states that. ââ¬Å"ancient rites frequently summon dieties. liquors of ascendants and animalsâ⬠( Sevcenko 1 ) . During these Rituals either a mask or a face pigment of wild and bizarre designs are applied which implies that the wearer was possessed by the liquors or anima1s ( Sevenko1 ) . Besides the Podo folk of South Africa celebrates a tradition called umgidi. This rite is where a adult female is initiated to go diviner or a priestess of the folk ( African 1 ) . She appears bare to the waist with her organic structure painted with white clay and embellished with foliages. These forms are complex and they symbolize the nexus to her ascendants who are believed to be the grounds for her unwellness and well-being. The Xhosa folk besides in South Africa uses face painting during the rite of manhood called the Abakwetha. To get down wi th. the immature work forces paint their faces with white clay. so they are circumcised and their face is painted with ruddy clay to mean the preparedness for grownup male duties ( African 1 ) . In each of these rites the art of face painting holds different significance and typify different phases of a ritual. Face picture is besides used to typify different positions. Like for Example the Karo folk of Africa have three types of designs painted on their faces. One type was for the folk head. The Chiefââ¬â¢s facial pigment is more luxuriant and orderly so everyone elseââ¬â¢s. Almost his whole full face is covered in white pigment but his jaw line. his cheek castanetss. and his olfactory organ were left bare demoing his dark and smooth tegument in two perfect consecutive lines ( Erick 1 ) . The other design is for a warrior the design is like the heads but a batch less orderly ( Erick1 ) . The last type of design is for the regular common man which consists of apparent white pigment. Face and organic structure picture was highly of import and symbolic to tribes like the Karo because it showed who they were and where they belonged. African folks besides use face picture for other events. The Sumra folk of Ethiopia usage face and organic structure painting during their wild and violent stick contending competition called the donga. Unlike the Gerwol festival. this no dance or beauty festival. it is but a competition of nervus and beastly strength that is meant to settle personal Vendettas and to win married womans. During this competition 100s of work forces come to a specific topographic point to contend with 15 pess sticks refereed by the head ( Donga 1 ) . The battle done in heats and is done in unit of ammunitions until there is merely two staying. The victor of the last unit of ammunition wins the whole thing. Any adult male can dispute hover he wants and decease is non uncommon. The lone regulation is no adult male can hit another adult male when he is down ( Donga 1 ) . The rivals fight to be the greatest warriors and to win so that they can give a miss the award if being their day of the month or married woman if she wishes ( Donga 1 ) . When the work forces fight they are wholly bare except for pigment that covers them from caput to toe. The buildings of the organic structure pigment have a batch of lines and are wholly done by manus. The designs painted on the manââ¬â¢s organic structure stand for his maleness and is meant to strike fright into his opponentââ¬â¢s bosom. The picture is an of import portion of the competition and because the more bewitching and terrorizing it is the more attending and fear the contestant will acquire from his oppositions and the crowd. With his last attempt he gives the adult females his most seductive expression and he dances in a more bewitching mode. The dance is done and he stands in the Sun with the bright ruddy and xanthous pigment looking as though the Sun was radiating from him. The adult female he has been eyeing through the whole festival comes and they leave into the sundown. With the aid of his beautiful pigment on his face his end has been forward filled and he leaves with a married woman. African folks apply face pigment at festivals. during rites. to typify position and for other grounds and events. The art is harmonic and beautiful and it connects all the folk of the huge continent.
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